A news curation app for people who enjoy sharing articles on the issues, events, and topics that interest them.

We built Topico as a news curation app to create an experience that connects all of our shared articles to a powerful discovery platform and does so in a way that’s not divisive or invites conflict.

Our goal is simple.

Let’s start sharing the news again.

The team at Topico.

Re-designing news curation

Topico news app - Download from the App Store

*Only available in the United States

Topico news app - Download from Google Play

*Only available in the United States

Watch / Listen

Topico - Curating the news - News without noise

Video – Welcome to Topico

Topico - Podcast - News without noise

Podcast: David Bloom interview

Topico - Curate the news - News without noise

Video: Introduction to Topico

Common Sense Education reviews Topico

Reviewed by common sense education.

Since 2003, Common Sense has been the leading source of entertainment and technology recommendations for families and schools. Every day, millions of parents and educators trust Common Sense reviews and advice to help them navigate the digital world with their kids. Together with policymakers, industry leaders, and global media partners, we’re building a digital world that works better for all kids, their families, and their communities.

Tap on the logo below, or visit their home page at https://www.commonsense.org/education for more insightful reviews.

Create your own Newsrooms.

Newsrooms are like building your own news aggregators to curate news.

A curated news app to share the articles that interest you.


You can create multiple Newsrooms to curate articles around any issue, event, or topic of interest.

A curated news app to share the articles that interest you.


People can recommend your articles, subscribe to your curations, and set push notifications.

A curated news app to share the articles that interest you.


It’s easy to create a title, select a banner, and choose a personal color to make it uniquely yours.

Recommending articles.

Our recommendation bar is designed to show the community’s opinion at a glance.

A curated news app to share the articles that interest you.

‘Not Recommended’

Not recommending an article is essential to providing accountability to not only the articles, but the people who post them as well.

*Not recommending is anonymous.

A curated news app to share the articles that interest you.


Recommending articles provides validation and lets the curator know you want “more of this”, while also recommending it to the community.

*Recommendations are only seen by the poster.

No photos. No memes. No comments.

Topico is just about news curation. We see the rest as noise.

No comments. No opinions. Just the news.

Why no comments?

It’s our belief that a curated news app that removes our personal opinions from sharing articles can still be social because the articles themselves speak for us because they inherently reflect our viewpoints and perspectives.

What happens when I post an article?

When you post an article you’re already saying, “I find this interesting… you might too”.

And when a member recommends your article, they’re replying, “I did, and thanks for sharing”.

The rest is just… noise.

Will you really miss them?

We want posting on Topico to be a simple, friction-free experience, and we think that many of you want that too.

Topico isn’t a place to share our opinion on the news. It’s a place to curate it for others to discover, browse, and stay informed.

Let’s start sharing the news again by simply getting back to the basics, and in doing so create a less divisive and more civil society.

Influence rings™

Where Do You Stand?

A news curation app where you can be the most influential person on any topic.

Your Influence Ring™ shows your standing as a news curator within the community.

The more recommendations around the articles you share… the more influence points you’ll gain, and the higher you’ll rise on the leaderboard.

It’s that easy.


Who is the ‘Most Influential person’ (MIP) on #ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE?

Influence ranking is gained as the community recommends a member’s posted articles.

Most Influential Person (MIP)

A news curation app where you can be the most influential person on any topic.

The MIP (or Most Influential Person) is determined by the community based on many factors beyond just recommended articles.

You might just be the MIP of #technology, #batman or your favorite television show?

Connecting everything

The entire user-experience of Topico is built around topics of interest, and their relevant relationships to on another. This provides a way for people to focus on what’s relevant to them… not what is relevant to other people. We feel that this is a key feature when you begin to browse Topico to discover and view news articles.

On Topico, it’s not about pushing content at you… it’s all about giving you multiple paths to explore the content that interests you.

A news curation app.

When you post an article into Topico, you’re contributing to building out historical timelines around an issue, event, or topic of interest.

Yes, when it comes to the news, current events are why most people consume news articles, but we feel that to really understand an issue, or event it’s essential that we provide a way to jump back through time to learn more about how an issue, or event unfolded. This is why we created topic timelines, and every article that every member posts onto the platform is an important part of the effort to help build out an informative platform to not only stay up on current events, but preserve the past as well.

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Now available on Google Play (android) and the App Store (iOS).

Thank you, and we truly welcome your interest, involvement, and support.
