What are ‘Newsrooms’?

On Topico, people curate their own personal newsfeeds on an issue, event or topic of interest.

(We call these curations, Newsrooms.)

Like news aggregators, they’re simply topic-centric newsfeeds (without commentary) – except they’re yours to curate, cultivate and share with the Topico community. 

Curate the news with Topico


Your Newsroom is your own curated feed of articles around an issue, event, or topic of interest.

Curate the news with Topico


People can recommend your articles, subscribe to your curation, and set push notifications.

Curate the news with Topico


It’s easy to create a title, select a banner, and choose a personal color to make it uniquely yours.

The power of curation

Newsroom curations are topic-centric so that the members posting articles are focused on contributing to a unique timeline on an event, issue or topic of interest.

Curate the news with Topico

There can be multiple Newsrooms on the same topic, but each will be its own unique curation for people to discover unique perspectives.

Newsrooms can chronicle an event, convey a perspective on an issue, or simply be an engaging curation on a topic of interest.

Anatomy of a Newsroom

Curate the news

Newsroom menu

Curate the news


Tap on the Newsroom menu to view your options.

*Note some options will only be available to the curator of the Newsroom.


Curate the news


This promotes the newsroom by placing it on your own personal profile so that others can discover the Newsrooms you find interesting.

You can set your Newsroom to ‘permission to post’ to designate which members can post into your Newsroom.

This opens a menu (see below) to connect other Newsrooms to this one. Once connected, any new posted article to the connected Newsroom will also appear in yours as well.

Toggle this options to receive push notifications when new articles are posted. Default is OFF.

All bookmarks are placed in the ‘SEARCH’ (magnifying glass icon at the top of the screen) panel.

Subscribe to a Newsroom to receive updates when new articles are posted into its feed.

Post article
You need an article copied into your clipboard to post into a Newsroom.

*note. Some Newsrooms may not allow community posting. These Newsrooms will have the option to post disabled.

More options…
This opens up more options such as report, edit and abandon.


See an issue with the title, or content of a Newsroom. Report it here.

This opens up a number of options to edit/update a Newsroom.

*note. You cannot change the #TOPIC of a Newsroom.

You cannot delete a Newsroom, but you can always abandon it for someone else to take over.

When you abandon a Newsroom it places a ‘CLAIM NEWSROOM’ option on the Newsroom tile for other members to take possession.

Previous menu
Simply takes you back to the main Newsroom options menu.


Edit title
You can edit the title of your Newsroom. Have fun. Be creative.

Edit options
This opens a menu to change whether a Newsroom allows posting from anyone, or just (you) the curator.

Edit color
You can always change the color of your Newsroom at any time.

Changing the color also effects the influence rings and recommendation bars within the Newsroom.

Edit banner
Want to swap out your existing banner? Go ahead and choose from our gallery of images, or use your own.

Previous menu
This simply takes you back to the ‘more options’ panel.

Connecting Newsrooms

Connecting Newsrooms

When you connect a Newsroom to your own, it imports every future-posted article from that connected Newsroom.

This is simply a way to aggregate articles, or create hubs to a master Newsroom.

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Thank you, and we truly welcome your interest, involvement, and support.


We’re more than happy to answer your questions, or help setup your classroom / organization.

We can always correspond through email, a call, or zoom.