The future is in curation
Curate the news for a better-informed, more civil society.
The future is in curation
Curate the news for a better-informed, more civil society.
Key features:
Personally Curated Newsrooms
It’s easy to create your own personalized curations with our Newsroom wizard.
Trend Surfing
Tap on the hashtag icon of any topic to open our unique visualizer to navigate connected topics.
Influence Rings
When people rate your posts you’ll have a visual ring around your avatar to display your ranking.
Connecting Newsrooms
You can easily connect Newsrooms to aggregate articles from other Newsrooms.
Newsroom Notifications
Receive push notifications from only the specific Newsrooms that interest you.
Permissions-based Posting
Allow anyone to post articles, or set permissions for your friends, classmates, or co-workers.
Key features:
Personally Curated Newsrooms
It’s easy to create your own personalized curations with our Newsroom wizard.
Trend Surfing
Tap on the hashtag icon of any topic to open our unique visualizer to navigate connected topics.
Influence Rings
When people rate your posts you’ll have a visual ring around your avatar to display your ranking.
Connecting Newsrooms
You can easily connect Newsrooms to aggregate articles from other Newsrooms.
Newsroom Notifications
Receive push notifications from only the specific Newsrooms that interest you.
Permissions-based Posting
Allow anyone to post articles, or set permissions for your friends, classmates, or co-workers.
Q: What is news curation?
News curation is the process of finding, analyzing, filtering, preserving and sharing the most relevant information on a specific topic for a particular audience.
News curation is the process of finding, analyzing, filtering, preserving and sharing the most relevant information on a specific topic for a particular audience.
How you can curate the news.
How you can curate the news.
Watch / Listen
Watch / Listen
Create your own ‘Newsrooms’ on any topic of interest.
Create your own ‘Newsrooms’ on any topic of interest.
Reviewed by common sense education.
Since 2003, Common Sense has been the leading source of entertainment and technology recommendations for families and schools. Every day, millions of parents and educators trust Common Sense reviews and advice to help them navigate the digital world with their kids. Together with policymakers, industry leaders, and global media partners, we’re building a digital world that works better for all kids, their families, and their communities. for more insightful reviews.
Limited time ‘Founders’ badges
For a limited time we are giving our first members a ‘Founders’ badge to forever be displayed on their profile as a thank you from the entire team at Topico.
We greatly appreciate your interest and support in our endeavor to make the sharing of news and information an enjoyable experience again.
We wouldn’t be able to do this without you.
The team at Topico.
Limited time ‘Founders’ badges
For a limited time we are giving our first members a ‘Founders’ badge to forever be displayed on their profile as a thank you from the entire team at Topico.
We greatly appreciate your interest and support in our endeavor to make the sharing of news and information an enjoyable experience again.
We wouldn’t be able to do this without you.
The team at Topico.
Main features:
68% of Americans
get their news from social media
– pew research center 9.7.17
We believe that everyone is ready for a dynamic shift in the way they share news and information.
“Social Media has given us access to more information sources than ever, but it’s changing our perceptions of each other and crushing the business model of quality journalism.”
“Never in human history has more information been available to more people. But it’s also true that never in history has more bad information been available to more people.”
“The problem with ‘Fake News’ comes from trying to prove you’re not it.”
“Trust in mass media in the United States is lower than it has ever been since the organization (Gallup) started asking that question in 1972.”
“The platforms now act as “regulators” of the news business — determining what information gets delivered to whom, and when.”
Attempts to even label misinformation have fallen dramatically short – and the reason is sadly too obvious: “social media platforms tend to use automated algorithms for these tasks, because they scale well.” In other words it takes humans to understand what is truly misinformation or disinformation.
A look into the multi-billion dollar advertising industry and how they waged war against their own consumers.
The Ad War reveals the inner workings of Online Advertising and exposes a growing conflict between advertising networks and their own consumers. Learn how the demand for relevance has led the industry into a perilous struggle with privacy and control that could ultimately change the way we use the internet.
We also wrote the book on the broken model of targeted advertising.
It’s Coming From Inside the House – Why Removing Comments Can Bring Us Back to Civility
It's Coming From Inside the House. Why removing comments can bring us back to civility. "In the age of social media, everyone's a newspaper columnist, exaggerating what they think and feel." Let's get this out of the way. Is this to say we need to remove ALL comments from social media platforms? No. They're our voice. Of course, they have value... But, we've also abused the privilege, especially when it comes to sharing news
The Impact of Technology on the News Industry.
The Impact of Technology on the News Industry.. The Evolution of Journalism. Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash "I still believe that if your aim is to change the world, journalism is a more immediate short-term weapon." Before it All Began Before the advent of journalism, we used less formal methods for the dissemination of news and information. Stories of important events were mostly passed down through gossip and conversation. Dockworkers would gleam information from merchants
A Case for Human-Curated News
A Case for Human-Curated News. Staying informed in an age of information overload. Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash “Never in human history has more information been available to more people. But it’s also true that never in history has more bad information been available to more people.” We're better than machines. We’ve always been amazingly creative at curating content; art, books, music, and more… So why not the news? Consuming
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Thank you, we truly welcome your interest, involvement, and support.
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Now available on the App Store (iOS).
Thank you, we truly welcome your interest, involvement, and support.